

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Other family holiday photos

Wanted to share a few other photos. The one of Josiah, Chad, and Dale was taken on Chad's 16th birthday, December 15th. (please remember me in your prayers as I begin to instruct my fourth child in driving a car. I tease Rebekah and Lisa about needing valium by the time I get to them!) Josiah is in his uniform from his job as a servers assistant at a nearby restaurant. The photo of Sadie was one I took for our Christmas card, with Terry holding her and trying to keep her hat on! Two of the photos were taken outside of our house after a recent snow and ice storm. I had the camera on a tripod and had some fun. The interesting ghost like photo of our Christmas tree was actually due to the lens fogging up after I came back in from the cold- but I liked the effect. 

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