We have just gotten through three days of unseasonably high temperatures- in the nineties, which for us here is similar to what we occasionally have in August! However the heat is welcome to me as I try to prepare for a 5K run I like to do in May in our local town of Coopersburg. Three years ago I did my first 5K and each year I look forward to the challenge of attempting to get this middle age body into shape for it. This year the body is not wanting to cooperate- nor are these asthmatic lungs of mine. The first two weeks of the training are always difficult but this year it seems especially challenging. I have a new pain to report to Terry daily......wonder if he's getting tired of it!!! Today I am getting ready to go out and the temperature has dropped about 40 degrees. Should make it interesting for my breathing but I am determined, barring a serious injury, I will do this race and finish it.
As I am nearing the 50,000 word mark with my novel I can compare it to running a race- how the first mile is the most difficult, but then once your body warms up you hit your stride, which is what I have felt for the past couple weeks with my story. In a running race once you get towards the end, especially when you see that finish line, you experience a new burst of energy to take you into the home stretch. I am nearing the home stretch with the book and I am excited. Still not sure how the story will end or what the title will be, but that will come as I get closer to the finish line.
Just celebrated my daughter Amber's 22nd birthday on Monday.We went down to Philly to have lunch with her on Sunday. This Saturday Josiah goes to the Prom. He is looking very handsome in his tux, I am going to take him out to shoot some pictures in it tomorrow afternoon. Chad is going to get his driver's permit on Saturday morning. My children are growing up and reaching new milestones all the time. It is happening way too fast.
As you can see I am taking further photos of spring here in Pennsylvania. My lilacs are about to bloom. The trees are becoming green quickly. I love it!
Chad's getting his permit?? ohhhh no....
love your photos...Happy Birthday soon.....hugs and love
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