He is Risen..... He is risen indeed!!!! This simple statement is what sets christianity apart from every other major world religion, for we serve a Savior who escaped the bonds of death and who sits at the right hand of God the Father. And because He lives we live too- no longer slaves to our old nature but free to follow our Lord in a newness of life that can change the world. I pray, like Paul, to know him and the power of his resurrection- and to better understand the fellowship of his sufferings- a part I sometimes overlook in my humanity. Can I embrace my own death in order to experience true life? With God's help I hope so.
The photo of the Easter bunny, me, and my dog Sadie was taken by my daughter Amber the last day of my bunny photo shoot at a local outdoor mall. The bunny is my son Dale, who will never forget the experience! The children were adorable to watch as they interacted with Dale, and he did a beautiful job staying in character- everyone thought he was the friendliest bunny ever! When I knew we would both being doing this weeks ago I told Dale that we should see this as an opportunity to minister God's love. I believe everything we do, when given to God, becomes an opportunity. I thank God for the job and for the way He blessed me through the experience.
I have posted a few of my recent spring flower photos, a favorite subject of mine as you can tell by my recent posts. My kids laugh at my excitement over seeing a brilliant bush in bloom or a new flower that has pushed its way up through the hard soil, but I don't want to miss the joy God gives me through his creation. Reminders are everywhere that resurrection is truth, and after a long winter it blesses my heart and soul to see the new life all around me.
1 comment:
love the spring flower pictures, mommy. and of course that silly bunny photo!!
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