My blog entries have been getting fewer and farther between......... what's up with that? Well, life has been a bit busier these past months since our new pup arrived!!! Life with Lily has evolved to Lily being part of anything and everything we do! The same as having a new baby in the house all our decisions have to include whether we can leave Lily safely by herself for certain periods of time- whether she has gone potty- whether she is roaming the house indiscriminately looking for trouble when we suddenly realize she has disappeared. It became apparent early on that Lily was not at all like Sadie Jane, who was such a timid and naturally obedient dog. Lily is out going and shall we say, in a kind way, strong willed. She doesn't listen the first time..... or the second..... or the third. We have to speak firmly repeatedly for her to obey. She has tested us but she has also blessed us with many moments of joy. She is a delightful girl, as you can see by the photos.
The rest of the family is doing well. We celebrated Amber's 23rd birthday in April and Josiah's 19th a few days ago. And then there was mine yesterday- the big 49! I am determined to enjoy the last year of my forties. Among my goals before 50....... to run a 10K in the fall, finish my novel, submit a couple articles to some magazines, and start a photography web page featuring some new ideas I have for photos I hope to shoot over the summer. Life is precious and short........ each year I realize that more.
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