I had the pleasure of going on a field trip to Ellis Island this past Tuesday with my daughter Lisa-Noel. I have been to the Statue of Liberty many times before but had never visited the place where so many immigrants passed through in the hopes of starting a new life in this country. The photos of the faces of people of all races and nationalities who were willing to leave all that they held dear behind to find something better touched me deeply. The screening process was often difficult for those coming in. They used hooks to pull their eyelids up to check for disease and used chalk to mark specific letters on their clothing regarding their health status. So much of it was demeaning and scary- families could be separated, children held due to illness, but they came and endured.
Lisa, Sarah (Lisa's close friend), and I saw a live play about Bela Legosi, the actor who immigrated to the US and became renowned for playing Dracula in movies back in the 1930's. He fled his country of Hungary because of political persecution. I teased the girls who are big fans of the movie Twilight that he was the original Vampire, not Edward Cullen!
The Statue of Liberty is always an inspiring sight. The numerous languages I heard while there showed me this country is remaining what God had intended it to be- a place where people, regardless of their background, skin color, religious belief- or any other difference some may perceive as threatening- are allowed the opportunity to pursue their dream of a better life.So many were willing to risk everything to find that. Our differences, whatever they are, actually add to the richness of the fabric of our lives. God created us to be different and to embrace each other and learn from those differences.
Today we are taking the girls to the King of Prussia Mall and one of my favorite places- Valley Forge Park, another place that reminds me of the tremendous sacrifices people made for the cause of freedom. It was Patrick Henry who said "Give me liberty, or give me death.
I pray for the men and women in our armed forces who are putting their very lives on the line for the cause of freedom and justice around the world. Sacrifices are made every day, many we will never see or hear about. I am thankful.
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